Quilters Lead Pieceful Lives.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Cubes, cubes, cubes!

Here are two of my 3D quilts, "Impossible Triangle" and "3D Color Study".

Careful use of color values and placement gives a three-dimensional look and feel to these quilts.

They look difficult (if not impossible!) to make, yet both are done with all straight line seams. The top one is made out of equilateral triangles sewn in slanted columns.  The bottom one is made the same way, with the addition of the thin strips at the "edges" of the boxes.


emily said...

great quilts wayne!

Anonymous said...

Great! I know my favorite! XX Kid

Catrina MacDonald said...

Where can I get the pattern for the top one?

Wayne Rhodes said...

Catrina: Email me at wsrhodes@gmail.com and we'll discuss.

Unknown said...

Onde posso comprar o padrão por favor?

Wayne Rhodes said...

These are both my own designs.Which one are you interested in? Send me an email and I will share the pattern with you.

torchtam said...

Hi Wayne,
Your quilts are fantastic. I especially love the top one. Do you sell patterns?
Thank you, Tamar

Wayne Rhodes said...

These are both my own designs.Which one are you interested in? Send me an email and I will share the pattern with you.

Kim M. said...

I love the top one. Would love the pattern.
Thanks, Kim

Wayne Rhodes said...

Hi Kim: These are both my own designs. I'm happy to share. Send me an email and I will send the pattern with you.

Ina Ayers said...

I would love to know where I could get the pattern for the cube's quilts. I love them.
I live in Alaska and the long winters would keep me busy making them. Thank you

Wayne Rhodes said...

Hi Ina: These are both my own designs. I'm happy to share. Send me an email and I will share the patterns with you.

Cat.richarme@orange.fr said...

J’aimerais réaliser celui du haut. Pouvez vous m’envoyer le modèle?
Merci pour votre réponse

Anonymous said...

Wayne, amazing craftsmanship. I am a huge fan of 3D & optical illusion quilts.
I’m always on the lookout for them.
I’ve made several myself.
Are your patterns for sale?
Vickie P

Anonymous said...

Want to make this Triangle Cube!

Anonymous said...

Vickie P

Wayne Rhodes said...

Hi Vickie: These are both my own designs. I'm happy to share. Tell me which one you are interested in (or both), send me an email and I will share the patterns with you.

giuliana said...

Super schön....würde mich auch für das erste Muster interessieren ;-)