Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Awww! Giraffes!

Our travel friend Michelle requested a quilt for her about-to-be-born grandson Dashiell.

I previously made this one for grandson Decker in March, 2016. For that one, she requested elephants.

This time it was "giraffes...with some teal". I found a really cute pattern (hence the name we chose) from Sew Fresh Quilts. It had giraffes and a beautiful range of blues (I used the fabrics recommended in the pattern).

It is a bit hard to see (you may need to zoom in on the photo), but I used a decorative stitch to create a central "rib" in each of the leaves. The leaves themselves are in 3 shades of green, so the ribs are also done in similar-shaded greens.

I found a backing fabric that also is teal with a riot of giraffes!

For the quilting I used clear monofilament thread. I ditch quilted each of the horizontal rows, and then also ditched around each of the giraffes.'s invisible!

For the binding, I used leftover pieces of each of the 6 shades of blue. Each was then matched and cut to the same length as it's row counterpart (above and below the middle darkest one). By doing this, you can barely even see the binding! (It's actually more visible on the back.)

And now Dashiell has successfully arrived!  Hope he likes his new playmates.  

and a later picture:

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent - what a great baby quilt! Love the leaf quilting!
