Thursday, March 24, 2016

Frisky Friends and Fronds

Believe it or not, another Morocco travel-mate also has a grandchild on the way, and requested a quilt! She asked for something with elephants, and teal and gray.!!!!!

I found this pattern (which is a free download!). It also included the most darling fabric collection , so that is what I used.

Here is the back: more elephants!!!!!

The pattern had an error that, luckily, I found early in construction. It did not require the purchase of any additional fabric and was easily corrected. I also made some other mods to the pattern.

For the quilting, I wanted to make the trees and animals pop, so I did shadow stiple quilting to reinforce the tree edges, and then just random stipling around each animal. All was done in white thread. Then I did a gray ditch around the inner border.

Think there are enough elephants?????  :-D

1 comment:

  1. What a great title - the alliteration is excellent. So are these fabrics. And of course the quilting. Perfect quilt to welcome a little one into the world!
