Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Paschke Homage - Hot Fax

The late Ed Paschke is my favorite artist. For 4 decades he created stunning pieces with brilliant colors and shapes. Click here to see his collected works.

This piece is dedicated to his memory. It is an attempt to capture those colors and the often jarring juxtaposition of objects that characterized his art.

The original "Hot Fax" is pictured below.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Wayne - just read through your blog and - well, I'm at a loss for words. Your quilts are fabulous. I'm so impressed with Lattitude, Lattice Be Happy, the Kimonos, Give Peace a Change. I love your color palettes, your designs, your dimensions and perspectives. I am so glad we crossed paths yesterday at the Fiber Arts show at the Botanical Gardens!
