Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Forest Friends

If this quilt looks familiar, it is because this is the third incarnation of it that I have made. But each one has its own set of animals (well...mostly), and completely different background fabrics to give it a unique look.

The animals are done using the paper piecing method. Some of them have over 30 separate pieces!

The back of the quilt is filled with flowers and buzzing bees.

The second one was actually for the same parents, when they were stationed in Australia. Now they are back in the Chicago area and have a new daughter, Mira.  This one was designed to show many of the animals of the North Woods (you know...just over the border).

Here are the previous ones:

Animals Down Under:

and North American Animals (created January, 2001, in the pre-blog days):

I wonder where they'll go next and what kinds of animals they will find there!?!?!