Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Monkey Time!

This quilt is for Wendy's personal trainer and friend, Rich.  He and his wife, Tanya, are having their first child at the end of July.  The greens and browns are the colors of the baby's room.
I really went out of my comfort zone with the quilting in the dark brown areas. It is stippled, but I kind of made a "scribble" to represent the monkey's fur. Yes, lines crossed over other lines!  How radical.
The quilting in the sky is all horizontal to be suggestive of clouds.  In contrast, the quilting in the vines is all vertical.  The leaves were done to look like... leaves!  And yes, that is a banana that he (she?) is holding.
On the elephant quilt, Wendy suggested adding eyelashes. For this one, the pattern called for a thin horizontal line to represent the mouth. That didn't work for us. So she suggested the triangle shape to be consistent with the eyes and nose. Much better!!!  And of course, we added a tongue; if you look really closely, you will see that the fabric is a scrap leftover from the Happy Hedgehogs quilt!  That's what a stash is for!
This is another adorable pattern from CountedQuilts.com! (See the Mama Elephant quilt from May.)